Perfect Pair Punkin Pie
So, that wild man, Bob the Cigar Guy, totally took us outside our comfort zone. He asked if we could blend up some holiday blends for him. We nearly sent him a box of stove top stuffing and said "brew this."
But, we never back down form a challenge! It was a long process of go and then stop with this one. We would tell Bob we had it, only to change our minds knowing we could do it better. The trick was to find the right flavoring agent, when to apply it and then finding the right bean and roast level.
13 beans and 26 roast levels later, we should have known. The same exact bean that is The Perfect Pair was the right bean for Punkin Pie. We roasted Perect Pair medium for this one and season it with some pumpkin love to create Punkin Pie.
If you like Perfect Pair and like pumpkin you will love this offering! Punkin Pie is easy on the nose and palate but doesn't over powers this incredibly versatile bean!
There is a pre-lease of this offering, no sexy sticker and an 8oz option. Sexiness of stickers will come shortly!
Light - Roasted to our lightest level. Usually before first cracks end. Called a Half City Roast.
Medium/Light - Roasted to first crack. Called a City Roast.
Medium - Roasted after first cracks before well before second crack. Called a City+ Roast.
Medium/Dark - Roasted to the start of second cracks.
Dark - Roasted from the start of second cracks to 15 seconds into second cracks.
Very Dark - Roasted beyond 15 seconds into second cracks.