Peru Combo - Medium and Dark Roast
Have you ever wondered what a dark roast single origin bean would be in a medium roast? Ot how a medium roast would taste in a dark roast? We always wonder, which is why when we get a new green bean in, we roast that thing 3 ways til Tuesday trying to figure out which is the best!
So, peeps, here is your chance to do a little of what we do. Test, taste and compare. We were able to get thi gorious bean from the high mountains of Peru. We raosted it medium and dark and simply can't decide!
If you are up to it, grab this combo pack, grind it, brew it and let us know which is best - medium or dark? Oh, slacker, don't just pick one, tell us why! What are you picking up in the flavor profile?
We'll do a limited number of these. So, grab one while you can!
Flavors we get from this bean in both roasts are varying degrees of Caramel, Lime, Lemon, Green Apple and Cream.
This package deal is one 8oz bag of dark roast and onw 8oz bag of medium roast.
Light - Roasted to our lightest level. Usually before first cracks end. Called a Half City Roast.
Medium/Light - Roasted to first crack. Called a City Roast.
Medium - Roasted after first cracks before well before second crack. Called a City+ Roast.
Medium/Dark - Roasted to the start of second cracks.
Dark - Roasted from the start of second cracks to 15 seconds into second cracks.
Very Dark - Roasted beyond 15 seconds into second cracks.