We’ve been working on the concept of this collection since we started roasting coffee. Working on blends that fit the bill for over 6 months. Labors of love aren’t really labors if you know who you are where you came from when you’re creating a representation, a snap shot, into your life. Wyoming boys, born and raise and proud of it – wide open spaces, history that writes book and a deep understanding of hard work as a family value.
We are extremely excited to bring you the first of the Frontier Collection – Trailblazer. Trailblazer is a 3 bean dark roast as bold as those who ventured out west and awed at the mountains and plains that is Wyoming. Deep rich earthy tones, chocolate and caramel on the finish with some hint of caramel and a bit of citrus on the finish. Trailblazer may be bold, but it is smooth as a freshly buffed saddle bag….
Light - Roasted to our lightest level. Usually before first cracks end. Called a Half City Roast.
Medium/Light - Roasted to first crack. Called a City Roast.
Medium - Roasted after first cracks before well before second crack. Called a City+ Roast.
Medium/Dark - Roasted to the start of second cracks.
Dark - Roasted from the start of second cracks to 15 seconds into second cracks.
Very Dark - Roasted beyond 15 seconds into second cracks.